Parish News
West Oxfordshire District Council – Monday 19th September
It has been announced that Monday 19 September will be a national Bank Holiday. The District
Council will be pausing services as usual on this day. This includes:
Waste collection services will be running one day behind all of next week so collections
on Friday 23 September will be on Saturday 24 September. Information is available on
our website (
All other council services, including customer services, will be paused on the day of the
Bank Holiday apart from the normal emergency services we provide
North Leigh Parish Remembers Queen Elizabeth II
The church will be open every day as a place of prayer and reflection (into the evening).
Anyone can leave flowers in church in memory of the Queen.
Books of condolence are open and available for others across the community to sign in both the Church and the Memorial Hall.
There are two on-line book of condolences:
- Online books of condolence – the two official online books of condolence can be found at and
Further updates will be available on the website and sent out to those who have subscribed to the mailing list.
Queen Elizabeth II has died at age 96
It has been announced by Buckingham Palace that Queen Elizabeth II has died at age 96. We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. On behalf of North Leigh Parish Council and our parishioners, we offer our heart-felt condolences and sympathy to all members of The Royal Family.
–North Leigh Parish Council
You may wish to sign Buckingham Palace’s book of condolence online by visiting
Let’s Talk Oxfordshire
Residents invited to share big issues and priorities ahead of budget setting process
People in Oxfordshire are being invited to talk to and ask questions of a panel of Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet about the big issues that matter most to them as part of a series of Oxfordshire Conversations events this September.
Seven events will take place, two online and five in locations across the county, bringing together residents and councillors to talk about local and countywide concerns. The county council will also share the financial challenges it is facing seeking views on priorities ahead of the budget setting process for 2023/24.
Councillor Liz Leffman, Leader of Oxfordshire County Council, said: “Oxfordshire Conversations demonstrate our ongoing commitment to playing our part in a vibrant and participatory local democracy by listening to residents in a more active and inclusive way.
“Primarily, we want to talk to residents about the big issues that matter to them and their communities. We also want to checkthat the priorities we set last year as part of our new strategic plan still align with those of our residents, as part of the process of setting a new budget for next year. We are all facing new and significant financial pressures as a result of the cost of living crisis, and we want to hear from residents about their experiences. We’ll also be sharing what that means for us as a council and the challenge of delivering services under these circumstances.”
The following events are taking place:
- Monday 12 September, 11am – 12.30pm, online (Microsoft Teams)
- Monday 12 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, Abingdon, Guildhall
- Wednesday 14 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, Witney, High Street Methodist Church
- Thursday 15 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, Oxford, Old Fire Station
- Monday 19 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, Banbury, The Mill Arts Centre
- Wednesday 21 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, online (Microsoft Teams)
- Thursday 22 September, 7pm – 8.30pm, Didcot, Cornerstone Arts Centre
The events are open to all but residents will need to register by visiting
Residents that would like to ask a question are asked to submit it in advance as part of registering to attend an event or they can email This will help to ensure a range of topics from residents get heard. There will be additional opportunities to ask questions during the event itself. Residents are also invited to come along and just listen.
Councillor Calum Miller, Oxfordshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance, added: “We know that households across our county are facing huge financial challenges this autumn. Rising prices make this a cost of living emergency. The county council is also facing major budget pressures. We are committed to providing support to the most vulnerable people in our communities but, as the cost of doing this rises and our funding fails to keep pace, we face tough choices.
“Significant increases in inflation, the increases in energy, fuel and material costs, staff shortages are driving up costs and a shortfall in government funding are leading to a predicted funding shortfall of over £30 million next year. Other pressures include the growing nationwide costs of supporting children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and the financial impact of implementing the government’s adult social care reforms.
“We are committed to the responsible management of the council’s finances and are planning ahead carefully to meet current and future financial challenges. We are at an early stage of our budget setting process so we are keen to listen to what services local people value most and their priorities, and for these views to help shape our budget proposals. The Oxfordshire Conversations are a great way to start this discussion.”
West Oxfordshire District Council: Your Voice Counts
Following a recent change in political administration, the District Council is updating both its Local Plan and Council Plan. We are seeking the views of local residents, organisations and businesses on the areas we should focus on within these plans. This early engagement will help to ensure that they address the most important and relevant issues for West Oxfordshire.
For more information and to take part, please visit:
£150 Council Tax Rebate
Households in Council Tax bands A-D are eligible to receive a non-repayable £150 Council Tax Rebate from the Government to help households with rising energy bills.
Oxford Transport Proposals
Following the start of the consultation on the Central Oxfordshire Travel Plan last week, Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) would like to update you on their proposals for a workplace parking levy, traffic filters and expanded city centre zero emission zone in Oxford.
Since announcing the updated proposals in February 2022, OCC has had close to a hundred meetings with stakeholders, including local businesses, schools, disability groups and hospitals. Feedback from the 2019 consultation and engagement from February 2022 onwards have informed the latest revised proposals.
Support from OCC’s stakeholders will be essential to ensure the success of the proposals. A request from many of these groups was to phase the consultation and implementation of the three schemes.
OCC has decided to prioritise the traffic filters and are now proposing to introduce them as a trial next summer 2023. This will allow them to monitor the impact of the traffic filters on the ground, seek views on how they are working and make changes, if necessary, before any decision is made about whether to make them permanent or not.
A consultation on proposals to introduce the trial traffic filters will start on 5 September 2022 and last for 28 days, ending on 3 October 2022.
If approved by county council cabinet, OCC would expect the trial to start in the summer of 2023 and continue for a minimum of six months. Members of the public and stakeholders will be able to continue to give us their views on the trial during this six-month period. The implementation of the traffic filters is needed to unlock the commitment from bus operators, Oxford Bus Company and Stagecoach West, and the Department for Transport to invest in 159 new electric buses for Oxford and allow reinvestment into the Oxfordshire bus network.
Please visit OCC’s website to find out more about the traffic filters and respond to the survey: The survey and supporting documents will be available from 5 September.
OCC will also continue with the assessment and modelling of the likely impact of the traffic filters alongside the workplace parking levy and zero emission zone on the economy, air quality and traffic levels. Public consultation on the workplace parking levy and zero emission zone is likely to take place next year. OCC will continue to engage with stakeholders and members of the public during this consultation period and beyond.
North Leigh Summer Show
North Leigh Gardening Society will be holding its Summer Show Saturday, 20th August!
North Leigh Library
There are several events taking place at North Leigh Library this Autumn. For more information, click here.
Friends of North Leigh Library Update
The Friends of North Leigh Library (FONLL) need a new chairperson.
Oxfordshire County Council Library Service (OCCLS) has a strong record of encouraging local communities to participate and become involved in the work of their local libraries. The resulting groups often operate as “Library Friends” and in 2018 it helped establish the Friends of North Leigh Library. Friends’ groups help support their local libraries in a number of ways and no two Friends’ groups work in the same way as each community is unique.
As many residents will be aware North Leigh Library is a popular, modern branch library and it is well supported by the community, the local school and the parish council. As well as the traditional book lending services our library also offers free WI FI as well as computer and internet facilities. In addition, it hosts a number of activity groups for both children and adults. The aim of FONLL is help build on its existing success by holding fund raising events, developing new services and generally increasing engagement with the community. It would also like to provide volunteers to work in the library to further enhance the available amenities.
The existing FONLL are a small but enthusiastic group who are always keen to recruit and welcome new members. Following the resignation of their original chairperson due to his moving away from the area they are now looking to recruit a replacement. If you are interested in this role or if you would just like to join the Friends, then please contact the library either in person or by calling 01993 882935.
Finally, the library has an author evening planned for Wednesday 9th November at 19:00. For those of you not familiar with this kind of event it generally involves a local author giving a talk on, or a reading of, one of their recent works. Because of the limited capacity of the library this event is ticketed however the tickets are free, although donations to FONLL would be appreciated, and are available from the library.