Category: Village News

Oxfordshire County Council logo

Definitive Map Modification Orders

On 10th July 2023, the Oxfordshire County Council made the Orders listed below. For the notice of order, click here.

  1. The Oxfordshire County Council, Hailey Unrecorded Restricted Byway and North Leigh Unrecorded Restricted Byway, Public Path Extinguishment Order 2023
  2. The Oxfordshire County Council, North Leigh Restricted Byway No. 44 and Bridleways Nos. 45 & 46 and Hailey Bridleway No. 35, Public Path Creation and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2023
Botley West Solar Farm logo

Botley West Solar Farm Proposal

12th June 2023

There has been a lot of interest expressed regarding the proposal to construct a new solar farm on three local sites and which, if built, will cover over 3400 acres of land.    The three sites in question are:

1.    Land adjacent to Farmoor Reservoir.

2.    Land North of Eynsham / East of Long Hanborough (the largest section)

3.    Land Northeast of Woodstock.

You can obtain more information about this scheme from the following websites where you will find guidance on how to make any comments or register any concerns that you may have.

As yet North Leigh Parish Council have not been officially invited to comment on the proposal.

Footpath 5 map

North Leigh Footpath No. 5

On 15 th May 2023, the Oxfordshire County Council confirmed the above Order under section
119 of the Highways Act 1980 and section 53A(2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
The effect of the Order as confirmed is to modify the Definitive Map and Statement for the
area by diverting:-

North Leigh FP 5 running from OS Grid Ref SP 3701 1543 east-north-eastwards for 149m to SP 3715 1548 and south-eastwards for 44m to SP 3719 1548 to a new line running from OS Grid Ref SP 3701 1543 north-eastwards for 85m to SP 3707 1549, east-south-eastwards for 13m to SP 3709 1549 and east-north-eastwards for 106m via SP 37182 15532 and SP 37186 15534 to SP 37189 15535,as shown on the Order map.

To view the order, click here.

Market Town Study poster WODC

Market Town Study – Have Your Say!

West Oxfordshire District Council have commissioned town regeneration experts, Heartflood Ltd, to carry out an independent study looking at ways in which we can support the market towns in the district. We have a limited amount of funding available through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) and the study’s findings will help us to target that effectively. Gathering the views of the public, businesses and other town organisations is a really important aspect of this work and

Surveys for all of the towns can be found here: 

The survey closes on the 31st May.

Emergency Temporary Road Closure, North Leigh, Wilcote Road

Oxfordshire County Council has been informed of a temporary emergency road closure on the Wilcote Road whilst customer reconnection works are carried out for public safety reasons.  
A temporary Emergency Notice is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate on 19 April 2023 to 23:59 hours. 
 Access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and for those frontages within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works and liaison with the works supervisor.