Category: Village News
Neighbourhood Plan Update
The Neighbourhod Plan survey results are completed with a link to them in this news article. Come to the meeting on the 2nd November for more information!
WODC Polling District and Polling Places Review 2024
The District Council is commencing a Polling District and Polling Place Review consultation.
The documents, survey and information can be found on the District Council’s website, click on the links below at:
Information about polling districts and places
Polling district and polling places review consultation
The consultation will be open until 4 November 2024.
Flood Briefing Note from Oxfordshire County Council
Following a period of heavy rain across the county, we are currently in a position of.
- 7 Flood Warnings
- 20 Flood Alerts
It is forecast that we will see more rain over the coming days and likely more flooding impacts.
Click here for a flood briefing note with useful advice, links and contact numbers for support.
Consultation on the West Oxfordshire Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Draft Charging Schedule
West Oxfordshire District Council is seeking to introduce a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for certain forms of residential and commercial development, to help fund the provision of new and improved infrastructure across the district.
An 8-week public consultation on a new draft ‘charging schedule’ is open for comment until 27 September 2024.
For more information, click here: Community Infrastructure Levy consultation begins | West Oxfordshire District Council News (
Upcoming Parish Council meetings
We welcome your views on planning!
Feedback on Proposals for new homes on land off Common Road, North Leigh
The Parish Council has been made aware that Lioncourt Strategic Housing has sent a letter to residents asking for feedback on proposals for new homes on land off Common Road, North Leigh. They are asking for feedback by the 15th September.
To view the letter, click here.
There is a website for this consultation, which is Home – Land off Common Road.
Quarry Solar Farm – Deadline for comments: 25th July
There are some upcoming road works in the area.
Upcoming Road Works
There are some upcoming road works in the area.
Neighbourhood Plan Survey
The Neighbourhood Plan Committee has developed a survey to help shape the Neighbourhood Plan based on residents’ input.
Residents of North Leigh Parish should have received the survey through their letterboxes by the 30th June.
The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. You can also respond online: Please try to answer all questions.
The Committee is asking for one response per household rather than one per person. However, If someone in your household wishes to complete the survey individually, they can do so via the link above or by requesting a separate hard copy questionnaire by emailing
Digital Switchover for UK’s Telephone Network
You may have heard that the UK’s telephone network is being upgraded, which means that landline services are changing. People can still have a landline in their homes, but the technology that powers it will be different.
For most, switching over will be straightforward, but some people may need new equipment or support to make the changes.
Whilst people need to contact their telephone provider for more information on when this change will affect them, Age UK has created an information sheet to help you understand the change. To view the sheet, click here.