Category: Oxfordshire County Council

County Council Elections – 1st May
County Council elections take place on the 1st May.

Upcoming Road Works
There are some upcoming road works in the area.

North Leigh Restricted Byway No. 43 Modification Order 2022
On 4 March 2024, the above Order made under section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 was confirmed without modification by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. To view the Notice of Confirmation, click here.
Please note that this is a legal change to the rights of way network.

North Leigh – proposed 20mph and 40mph speed limits
Join the Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils on the 11th of March to learn more about becoming a parish councillor!

Manor Oak appeal will be discussed at the Parish Council meeting, 7.30pm,Thursday 14th March
Join the Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils on the 11th of March to learn more about becoming a parish councillor!

Road works
Immediate Road Closure Alert
New Yatt, Farm Lane – Road closure required to repair sewer repairs to burst rising main by Thames Water, expected to finish on 27 February 2024
We are waiting for the submission of the diversion route and will process asap through the normal channels once received.

Keeping Warm
There’s a range of support, tips, advice and grants, available in Oxfordshire.
The free, local and independent Better Housing Better Health service is there for residents who may be finding it hard to keep themselves or their family warm and well. For some residents they
can offer a home visit to provide more tailored advice and support.
Referrals can be made to grant schemes for new heating or better insulation, making money go further. This year there are more grant schemes available than previous years for energy efficiency measures like loft and cavity wall insulation and some schemes’ eligibility criteria has changed.
Head over for more information or call 0800 107 0044 for advice on energy saving or bill support.

Message for residents concerned about energy bills
The rising cost of energy is causing widespread concern as more residents may become unable to heat their homes.
If you know anyone who is experiencing difficulty paying their fuel bills, refer them to the Better Housing Better Health service who can provide advice and in
some cases access financial support.
They are well connected to a wide range of local organisations and can make onward referrals to help residents get the help they need to stay safe and well in
their homes.
Telephone 0800 107 0044 or complete the online referral form here: Make a Referral – Better Housing Better Health (

School Admissions
As part of the application process for Reception entry to infant and primary school, Oxfordshire County Council is advertising the need for parents and carers of children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 to apply for a school place.
If you have any questions, please visit the primary application web page which has all the information y needed plus a link to the online application form at:
The School Admissions Team can be contacted direct on 0345 241 2487 or at
The deadline for receipt of completed school applications for Reception is 15 January 2024.