Month: January 2025
Planning Application – Lioncourt
UPDATE: The Parish Council has changed the date of the meeting to discuss the Lioncourt planning application to allow more time for residents to attend and make subsequent comments. The new date of the meeting will be on FRIDAY THE 10TH JANUARY at 7pm in the Memorial Hall.
The Parish Council would also like to remind residents that, if you have any views, you are welcome to share them with us, but PLEASE also submit them directly to West Oxfordshire District Council.
Here is the link to the application:
We have had comments to say there is an issue with the link. If you have any issues, the planning application reference is 24/03100/OUT and you can search this on the District Council’s website:
There has also been an article in the Oxford Mail about this development which can be found here:…/24816227.oxfordshire…/