Month: January 2024

Keeping Warm
There’s a range of support, tips, advice and grants, available in Oxfordshire.
The free, local and independent Better Housing Better Health service is there for residents who may be finding it hard to keep themselves or their family warm and well. For some residents they
can offer a home visit to provide more tailored advice and support.
Referrals can be made to grant schemes for new heating or better insulation, making money go further. This year there are more grant schemes available than previous years for energy efficiency measures like loft and cavity wall insulation and some schemes’ eligibility criteria has changed.
Head over for more information or call 0800 107 0044 for advice on energy saving or bill support.

Message for residents concerned about energy bills
The rising cost of energy is causing widespread concern as more residents may become unable to heat their homes.
If you know anyone who is experiencing difficulty paying their fuel bills, refer them to the Better Housing Better Health service who can provide advice and in
some cases access financial support.
They are well connected to a wide range of local organisations and can make onward referrals to help residents get the help they need to stay safe and well in
their homes.
Telephone 0800 107 0044 or complete the online referral form here: Make a Referral – Better Housing Better Health (

Neighbourhood Plan Drop-in Session: 17th February
Come and share your views at a drop in session about the North Leigh Neighbourhood Plan on the 17th of February!

Notice of confirmation of Public Path and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Orders
- The Oxfordshire County Council, Hailey Unrecorded Restricted Byway and North Leigh Unrecorded Restricted Byway, Public Path Extinguishment Order 2023
- The Oxfordshire County Council, North Leigh Restricted Byway No. 44 and Bridleways Nos. 45 & 46 and Hailey Bridleway No. 35, Public Path Creation and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2023
On 08 January 2024, the Oxfordshire County Council confirmed the above Orders under sections 118 and 26 of the Highways Act 1980 respectively and section 53A(2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.
The effect of the Extinguishment Order as confirmed is to extinguish, as shown on the Order map: –
the entire width of the unrecorded restricted byway in the parish of Hailey running from OS Grid Ref SP 3681 1387 north-north-eastwards for 97m to the North Leigh Parish boundary at SP 3687 1395;
the entire width of the unrecorded restricted byway in the parish of North Leigh running from the Hailey Parish boundary at OS Grid Ref SP 3687 1395 north-eastwards, south-eastwards and north-eastwards for approximately 97m to SP 3711 1396 and north-eastwards for 1,436m to Wilcote Road at SP 3713 1471.
The effect of the Creation Order as confirmed is modify the Definitive Map and Statement for the area by adding, as shown on the Order map: –
a 3m wide bridleway running from North Leigh Lane at OS Grid Ref SP 3681 1387 north-eastwards for 19m to SP 3682 1388 and east-north-eastwards for 36m to SP 3686 1389 at the North Leigh Parish boundary;
a 3m wide bridleway running from Hailey BR35 at the Hailey Parish boundary at OS Grid Ref SP 3686 1389 north-eastwards for 364m to SP 3711 1396;
a 4m wide restricted byway, widening to 6m for 6m at SP 3770 1472, running from Wilcote Road at OS Grid Ref SP 3786 1483 south-south-westwards for 141m to SP 3781 1470, westwards for 230m to SP 3759 1472, south-south-westwards for 558m to SP 3746 1419, south-westwards for 324m to SP 3711 1396, and south-south-westwards for 228m to SP 3716 1379;
a 3m wide bridleway running from North Leigh RB44 at OS Grid Ref SP 3746 1419 north-eastwards for 872m to Wilcote Road at SP 3713 1471.
Copies of the Orders and the Order maps may be:
- Viewed online at
- Obtained free of charge from the Countryside Records team at
- Seen free of charge during opening hours at:
- Oxfordshire County Library, Westgate, Oxford, OX1 1DJ. Tel: 01865 815509
- North Leigh Library, Park Road, North Leigh, OX29 6SA. Tel: 01993 882935
The Orders came into force on the date of confirmation but if any person aggrieved by either Order wants to question its validity, or that of any provision contained in it, on the ground that it is not within the powers of the Highways Act 1980 (the Act), as amended, and/or the powers of section 53A of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (WCA) or on the ground that any requirement of either Act or of any regulation made under them has not been complied with in relation to the Order, he or she may, under paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Act as applied by paragraph 5 of Schedule 6 to the Act and as applied by s53A(7) WCA, within six weeks from 18 January 2024 make an application to the High Court.
Dated: 18 January 2024
Director of Environment & Place
Oxfordshire County Council
GDPR and Data Protection Act: Oxfordshire County Council will collate correspondence and comments received in response to this communication, for further consideration. They may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public.

How to report sewage, drainage and flooding issues in North Leigh
How to report sewage, drainage and flooding issues in North Leigh.
In this period of high rainfall, North Leigh is experiencing many issues with sewage spills arising from manhole covers, and with blocked road drains causing localised flooding on the road surfaces in North Leigh.
In the first instance, please report these incidents to Thames Water via the following link:
It is Thames Water’s responsibility to resolve these issues, please do not post this to Fix My Street as they are not the responsibility of Oxfordshire County Council and you will be referred back to Thames Water. Reporting to Fix My Street is appropriate where open drainage ditches are overflowing and need to be cleared out or re-dug by the County Council.
Please also inform the North Leigh Parish Clerk of any incidents as the Parish Council is collating this data and District Councillor Harry St John and Parish Councillor Sarah Veasey are having regular discussions with Thames Water to hold them to account on these matters.
Thank you.

Litter Pick – Sunday, 24th of March 2024
Calling litter pickers of all ages!
North Leigh Parish Council is organising a village litter pick on Sunday the 24th March from 10:30am – 1pm.
If you are interested in helping, please contact Clerk, Allison Leigh, at or 07796 039496
We hope to see you there!