Month: February 2023

New Yatt Road Works – March 2023 up to and including 21 April 2023
Temporary Traffic Regulation Order – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Temporary No Waiting restriction – at Witney, New Yatt Road
A request has been received from IG Contractors Limited for a temporary No Waiting restriction to apply to a section of New Yatt Road, whilst essential gas main replacement works are carried out.
A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is being made to implement the temporary restriction and will operate from 6 March 2023 up to and including 21 April 2023, 24 hours per day.
(The maximum duration of a TTRO on a road is 18 months and on a footpath is 6 months, or until completion of the works, whichever is the earlier.)
Notice of intention to make the Order will be published in the local press.

Free service supports thousands of residents in Oxfordshire with their home energy
Residents in Oxfordshire can benefit from the advice and support of Better Housing Better Health , a service that helps those worrying about their home energy to create warmer, healthier and happier homes. Last year, […]

So you want to be a Councillor?
There is an online information session on the 15th March at 2pm.

Neighbourhood Watch Crime Prevention Free Webinar Series
Neighbourhood Watch is delighted to invite you to attend their free crime prevention webinars running during February.

Quarry Solar Farm – Virtual Exhibition
The Virtual Exhibition for the proposals for Quarry Solar Farm will launch on Friday 10th February.