Following the work carried out in February the Parish Council has received a number of enquiries from local residents asking why the trees had been cut down and what the future plans were for the site. In
order to try and get an answer the estate office at Swinbrook was contacted and they were able to
provide the following information.
There were three principal reasons necessitating the work to be carried out:
- Ash dieback, which is proving to be a major problem on both the Wilcote and Swinbrook
estates. - A number of trees had reached the end of their natural life cycle and were ready to be
felled. - There was an increasing danger that, as a result of high winds or storms, branches or trees
could be blown down across the road causing a serious risk to pedestrians, motorists and
other road users.
As far as the future plans for the site are concerned there is still further work to be done in order to
remove some of the remaining fir trees. Once this is complete the site will be prepared for
replanting with a more mixed and balanced range of trees. It is hoped that this work will take place
in the late autumn of this year.
For a copy of the notice from Oxfordshire County Council, click here.