Councillors’ Details

Andy Clements

My wife and I have lived in East End since 2001 following career moves around the country. I retired in 2016 after spending over 40 years working in the quarrying / building materials industry in a range of sales, commercial and managerial roles.
Retirement has given me time to make the most of my interests and hobbies as well as becoming a volunteer with a number of organizations including West Oxfordshire Citizens Advice and the Wychwood Trust.
I have always had an interest in what was going on in the Parish and I now have the time to try and help my local community. To this end I enjoy working with my colleagues on the Parish Council where I am involved the management of the cemetery and Speedwatch activities.

Robert Gunn
Parish Councillor

I have lived in East End for 4 ½ enjoyable years following 25 years in Aberdeenshire. My wife, Lucy and I have 3 children and 5 grandchildren all of whom are in London.
A retired Geologist, I have also worked in Africa, The Netherlands and in America. Walking and cycling West Oxfordshire’s country lanes has been a very enjoyable way to get to know the wonderful countryside, but which has also led me to be very aware of excess vehicle speed.
I volunteer with the North Leigh Roman Villa group and enjoy other historical pursuits and studies. Working with the Friends of North Leigh Common and with Oxford canal volunteer groups helping to keep canal paths open and maintaining lock gates has been useful in getting to know people in the area and their concerns.

Carol Frost
Parish Councillor, Staffing Committee

I have lived in North Leigh for some 20 years.
I went to New Zealand for family reasons so I left North Leigh Parish Council, returning to North Leigh in December 2021.
I have just been co-opted to the Parish Council in April 2022.
I retired from work in 2019 after spending 35 years working for Oxfordshire County Council as a Social Worker, leading onto a management post of Social Work teams, working with adults and Out of Hours as a Mental Health Social Worker.
Retirement has enabled me to take up a wide range of interests.
I have always taken a great interest in my local community, working in Partnership with a wide range of groups in Witney and North Leigh such as the Litter Pick and planning.
Being on the Parish Council enables me to link in with our community, and to listen to people’s concerns and to feedback areas that are working well.
Key to being on the Parish Council is working with my colleagues to make a difference in the Parish of North Leigh.

Julie Minch
Parish Councillor, Planning Committee, Chair of the Staffing Committee

I moved to West Oxfordshire from Cambridge in 1982 subsequently settling in North Leigh in 2011 and became a parish councillor in February 2019. I currently work as a nurse practitioner but also spent many years self employed, developing and running two businesses, plus later working in the financial sector.
I wish to help and contribute to anything that assists in maintaining the fabric and character of our lovely village, supports local businesses and societies especially those aimed at the young and vulnerable during these quickly changing and challenging times.
Specifically to this end I am the PC representative for the North Leigh Youth Project, a member of the Speedwatch team and although not PC related Treasurer for the Friends of North Leigh Library.

Fran Jeffes
Parish Councillor, Staffing Committee

My husband, Jon, and I have settled in North Leigh Village, previously living on the South Coast. We have four adult children who, living in towns, appreciate coming home to walk in the lovely countryside of North Leigh and the surrounding areas.
Having just joined the Parish Council (February 2023) I am looking forward to being part of an active, caring and thoughtful team working together to improve the quality of village/parish life. I am interested in listening to the ideas of the local community and helping to prioritise improvement.
I currently work as an Integrative Counsellor seeing private clients online and have previously worked in a variety of agencies and charities across London, Hampshire, West Sussex and East Sussex. Jon and I attend St. Mary’s Church, North Leigh, where we both volunteer during the services. Being a part of the North Leigh community has been my opportunity to join in with various activities including a quilting club, the choir, the garden society and the history society, which I enjoy. I appreciate being a team member seeking to deliver a positive impact within our community.
David Harris
Parish Councillor, Planning Committee
I was co-opted onto the Parish Council in July 2024.
My wife and myself moved to North leigh just over two years ago having spent the previous 40 or so years in Herfordshire. We have two daughters and they and their families live within 8 miles of North leigh so we see Grandchildren very regularly!
I am a semi-retired Solicitor having specialized in Property and Planning matters.
Being semi-retired gives me the time to help the Local Community and I have already been made a member of the Planning Committee

Malcolm Shead
Parish Councillor, Neighbourhood Plan Committee

My wife and I moved to North Leigh in December 2021. We first got to know the area in 2013 whilst visiting our daughter in Wootton.
Having both retired from full time work we took the opportunity to move to North Leigh to be closer to our family.
I was co-opted onto the Parish Council in June 2023.
I have always been involved in caring for my community and look forward to being able to play a more active part in the life of North Leigh.

Kevin Swann
Parish Councillor, Vice Chair Neighbourhood Plan Committee, Planning Committee, Staffing Committee

My wife, Alex, and I have lived in East End since 2004 when we were both working in London. Following a spell in the Middle East we came back to East End and the UK in 2012. I have recently retired after 40+ years of working in the mining industry and the City Of London.
I joined the Parish Council in September 2020 and am enjoying the opportunity to take a more active part in life in the villages and contribute to building a flourishing community.
In addition to the general PC activities, I am also on the Planning, Speedwatch and Communications groups.
Most mornings I am usually to be seen out and around the area with our two Liver and White English Pointers.

Sarah Veasey
Parish Councillor

My husband, Sherard, and I moved to North Leigh in 2011 and I joined the Parish Council in 2022. We live on a farm at the edge of the village with horses, chickens, ducks and 2 whippets. We have 4 children in their teens and twenties.
A civil engineer by training, I previously worked in infrastructure finance and spent 15 years in Asia.
I feel a special connection to North Leigh where I can trace family back to the early 1800s. I am keen to preserve the peaceful, rural character of our beautiful Parish and to contribute to community life here.