The Planning Committee of North Leigh Parish Council met on Friday the 10th January to discuss the proposed Lioncourt development. In response to residents’ queries about assistance with key points, the Planning Committee has compiled the following topics to assist residents when commenting on the Lioncourt Proposal, planning application number 24/03100/OUT.
- North Leigh has had a 40% increase in housing in the last 7 years, this development would be a further 10% increase
- Villages in the West Oxfordshire Local Plan 2031 should only receive “limited” development” – this application clearly fails this test
- Backland development on a greenfield site
- This development would fail to protect the local landscape and setting of the village
- This development would impact on the visual amenity of the area including views from the footpath running close to the site
- Failure to conserve the natural environment
- An unsustainable car led development
- High density of housing – too many houses in too small a site
- House design and layout inconsistent with the existing houses in the village
- 5% self build housing design will need to be consistent with other housing in the village
- This is a windfall site not envisaged in the 2031 Local Plan and as such is opportunistic
- This site falls within the historic Wychwood area and the landscape character needs to be preserved
- Common Road south of Common Close is a ribbon development of single houses. This development is out of character.
- Inadequate regard to the preservation of historic Grims Ditch which is designated as a scheduled monument, a detailed survey should be conducted including on a possible additional section which might run under the proposed development site
- Limited facilities in the village, very small shop, no playing field, no full time pubs etc
- Pressure on existing amenities in the area eg primary and secondary schools, doctors, dentists
- Insufficient parking in the village already without finding capacity for another 230+ cars
- Grampian Clause preventing occupation of the houses until the Church Hanborough sewage treatment works has been upgraded meaning the development if approved would be unlikely to be started until 2030 earliest and as such it will not help the 5 year housing land supply
- Aging local sewer network leaking and collapsing, in urgent need of maintenance and cannot support more houses
- Insufficient clean water pressure in North Leigh
- Significant concerns regarding access from and to the proposed development and the proximity to a dangerous junction on the A4095 and possibility that the North Leigh Football Club could be relocated opposite this junction
- Common Road is already a busy road and also has the S7 bus and Estelle Manor minibus running from early morning until late at night. Congestion will increase with a further 230+ cars and the access into the development will be a dangerous junction
- Almost non-existent and inadequate consultation with the residents prior to submitting the application to WODC
- No regard to the emerging North Leigh Neighbourhood Plan or the wishes of residents as shown in the public results of recent local surveys conducted by the Neighbourhood Plan