Community Action Plan to reach Zero Carbon Energy – 26th April, 7:30pm, Eynsham Village Hall

12th April 2023

Poster for climate change event 26th April 2023 7:30pm Eynsham Hall

Join local community group Green TEA, members of Low Carbon Hub and Project LEO (Local energy Oxfordshire), to find out about the Community Action Plan for Zero Carbon Energy. Hear about the opportunities, how to get involved and the support available, at an open meeting on Wednesday 26th April 7.30 pm at Eynsham Village Hall (small hall), Back Lane. Refreshments from 7pm. Parking and EV chargers nearby.

Climate change, with the linked biodiversity crisis, is the most serious challenge we face. We hear a lot about reducing carbon emissions to ‘net zero’ by 2050 but we need to take radical action now and over the next few years if we are to keep a habitable planet.

Green TEA has been working with Low Carbon Hub, representatives of West Oxfordshire District Council and some of the local parish councils, on Project LEO Smart and Fair Futures, to demonstrate how a smart, locally balanced energy system can bring social, economic, and environmental benefits for everyone. Project LEO is a national innovation project seeking to accelerate the UK’s transition to a zero-carbon energy system. It is the first project of its kind and will help other communities to develop their own energy action plans.  

Over the last few years, we have been developing a Community Action Plan for a clean, green future with zero carbon emissions and we are ready to tell you what we have found. If we make changes now – from saving energy, changing the way we travel and heat our buildings to producing our share of renewable energy – we can have an energy system for the future that will be fairer to people and to the planet we rely on.

Who is the Community Action Plan for?

The Smart and Fair Futures project has developed a Community Action Plan for Zero Carbon Energy for the communities served by our local electricity substation. This includes all of Freeland parish, most of Eynsham parish and parts of Hanborough, North Leigh, South Leigh, Cassington, Stanton Harcourt and Cumnor parishes.

Watch the Smart and Fair Futures video here or

Find out more on the Smart and Fair Futures project:

Watch a video about the wider Project LEO:

For more information contact:  Green TEA energy group: 

Low Carbon Hub or

See you on 26 April at Eynsham Village Hall.

GreenTEA energy group and the Low Carbon Hub and The Smart and Fair Futures team.